“Jana Brisudova, young creative artist, has undergone a real vibrant and active creation in art and sculptural activity in recent years. She has the brisk and spirited viable vigour and zeal to tackle with everything what has human, philosophical and artistic dimension. All these facts inspired her to search for particular means of expression, which are derived from traditional practices of the European sculpture. She interprets them with postmodern speech of our time.
She is the only sculptress – a woman who currently and intensively works in bronze and believes in magic and power of artwork material feature and aspect. Several years of study at Slovak sculpture Doyen, Tibor Bartfay, supported her to connect ancient and her own mythologies figuratively, often with erotic undertone or tinge. Brilliance and precision of bronze sculptures and reliefs are hallmarks of Jana Brisudova production. Importance is, however, based on massive construction, inner structure and thus naturally spiritual, intellectual and psychological dimension of sculpture.
It is mostly modelling that performs a function of internal architecture penetrating the young sculptress statue’s surface. Jana Brisudova has always counted with a light of environment, which turns into game of shadows in particular areas of bronze sculptures or reliefs and highlights, dramatizes various intensity levels of moulded shape quality. Light that identically moulds sculptural mass forms environment that surrounds her anyway. It also models the apparent ease of her creative approach, which is from the artistic point of view very demanding and responsible.”
PhDr. Dagmar Srnenská, PhD.
Chairman of Association of Fine Arts
Theoreticians and Critics
- Slovak Woman of the Year
- The Pearl of the Danube (Bratislava Fashion Days)
- Award for an outstanding contribution in lifesaving (the Rescue of the Year)
- Minerva crystallinus (the Crystal ball of the Slovak National Theatre)
- Eurydika – music award of SOZA